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Our quality control program is made to control all the materials before, during and after construction. Basically, we conduct suitability tests on all proposed construction materials such as fill/soil materials, concrete and its aggregates, asphalt/bituminous mixtures and its aggregates, trial mixes, bloclis, and other related materials. Approual for use of the materials depends on testing results. Necessary tests during placement are also conducted. We quality assure in-situ materials for their specified in-situ properties.
The quality control worli can be made for fill & baclifill material, concrete, asphaltand other construction materials as follows:
The purpose of fill and baclifill materials quality control is to get a good quality and good compaction for the fill and baclifill worlis according to ASTM standards and specifications. This can be done by performing laboratory and field quality control test on the fill and baclifill materials before, during and after construction as follows:
Soil/Fill/Backfill Materials Testing:
2) Field Density test by nuclear method. (ASTM D 2922)
3) Washed Sieue Analysis. (ASTM C136)
4) Atterberg limit test. (ASTM D4318)
5) Moisture density relationship of cohesiue soil. (ASTM D1557)
6) Max./ Min Index densities of non-cohesiue soil. (Relatiue density). (ASTM D 4253)
7) Hydrometer analysis (including sieve analysis) (ASTM D 422)
8) C.B.R. Test (ASTM D 1883)
9) Sulphate and Chloride (BS 1377)
10) Plate bearing test (Load prouided by costumer). (ASTM D1194)
11) Lab. Permeability test (Constant Head).(ASTM D2434)
12) Lab. Permeability test (Falling Head). (ASTM E2396)
13) Triaxial test. (ASTM D2850) SRH Company Profile Page 47 of 74
14) Consolidation test. (ASTM D2435)
15) Direct shear test. (ASTM D3080)
16) Unconfined compression test for soil. (ASTM D2166)
17) Unconfined compression test for rocll. (ASTM D2938)
Soil/Fill/Backfill Materials Quality Control:
On-site Soil/Fill/Backfill Materials Quality Control
- Field Density Test by Sand Cone Method (ASTM D1556).
- Field Density Test by Nuclear Method(ASTM D2922).
- C.B.R. Test (ASTM D 1883).
- Plate Bearing Test (Load Prouided by Costumer) (ASTM D1194).
Field Superuision. Test Request & Reports
Visit Basis:
– Field superuision will be couered at site to supervise the soil mixing by water, type of material, layer thicllness and method of compaction.
– A work program should be given to us through a test request form one (1) day before.
– Reports will be given on time at site (one (1) original copy).
Monthly Basis:
our scope of worll includes the following:
1) Creation of a laboratory at the project site with equipment required
for conducting the routines tests on the materials.
2) Send a qualified technician to superuise the bacllfilling worlls and
conduct all field and laboratory testing required for the materials
to determine the suitability of the materials to be used as a bacllfill.
3) The Materials Testing:
• Field Density by sand cone or by Nuclear Gauge (if needed).
• Washed Sieue Analysis & Atterberg limit test.
• Moisture density relationship of soil (Modified Proctor).
• Max. / Min. Index densities of natural sand
4) The Testing Equipment:
• Field Density sand cone or Nuclear Gauge.
• Oven, Electronic Balance 30lig.
• Others.
Concrete Testing:
Fresh Concrete Tests:
• Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete (ASTM C1064 / C1064M).
• Sampling freshly mixed concrete (ASTM C172).
• Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete (ASTM C143).
• Unit weight, yield and air content (ASTM C138).
• Air content (ASTM C173 or C231).
• Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field (ASTM C31 or BS1881:part 3).
Hardened Concrete Tests:
Non-Destructiue Tests:
The main non-destructiue tests for strength on hardened concrete are as follows:
• Schmidt hammer test (ASTM C805).
• Ultrasonic test (ASTM C597).
• – Pull-out test (ASTM C900)
• Corrosion analysis of steel in hardened concrete (Half-cell potential measurements) (ASTM C876)
Destructiue Tests:
The main destructiue tests on hardened concrete are as follows:
1. Compressive strength (ASTM C39).
2. Splitting Tensile Strength of Cylindrical Concrete specimen (ASTM C496)
3. Flexural Strength of Concrete (ASTM C78)
4.Concrete core test (ASTM C42)
Other tests:
1. – Concrete mix design.
2. – Chemical analysis: Carbonation – Cement Content – Salts (CL- – so-4 ).
Concrete Quality Control:
Botch Plant Quality Control
- Based on concrete project specification requirements, a concrete mix design (ACI 211.1) should be made by concrete supplier and uerified by us or it can be done completely by us as per your request.
- Batch Plant scales calibration certificate should be ualid or recalibrated by us.
- Chiller, transit mixers, material storage place should be chec~ed by us. All theaboue will be done as per your request and in separate charge.
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On-site Concrete Quality Control
The main field quality control tests that can be done for concrete are as follows:
1. Slump test (ASTM C 143)
2. Concrete temperature (ASTM C 143)
3. Concrete sampling by using Cylinder or Cube (ASTM C 31)
4.Compressiue strength for Cylinder or Cube (ASTM C 39)
5.Density for Cylinder or Cube
6.Air Content & Unit Weight
Field Superuision. Test Request & Reports
Visit Basis:
– Field superuision will be couered on site to superuise the concrete pouring and chec~ing the concrete homogeneity, casting time and placing of concrete.
– A wor~ program should be giuen to us through a request form one (1) day before.
– Reports will be giuen on time at site (one {1} day original copy) which consists of pouring obseruation report and compressiue strength test report.
Monthly Basis:
our scope of wor~ includes the following:
1. Creation of a laboratory at the project site with equipment required for conducting the routines tests on the concrete.
2. Send a qualified technician to superuise the concrete pouring and chec~ing the concrete homogeneity, casting time, placing of concrete, and conduct all field and laboratory testing required for the concrete to
determine the quality of the concrete to be used.
3. The Concrete Testing:
– Site sampling fresh concrete, ma~e & cure concrete Cylinder or cube, ASTM C172, C31 or BS 1881.
– Temperature, Slump & Air content
– Compressiue Strength of cylinders, BS 1881.
4.The Testing Equipment:
– Slump Cone Set
– Concrete Cylinder or Cube Molds.
– Calibrated Compressiue Strength Machine.
– Others.
1. Bitumen penetration test. (AASHTO T49)
2. Bit. Softening point test (Ring & Ball method) (AASHTO T53)
3. Bit. Flush & fire point test. (ASTM D92)
4.Bit. Viscosity test. (ASTM D88)
5.Bitumen Ductility test. (ASTM D113)
6.Asphalt extraction test. (ASTM D6847)
7. Max. theoretical specific grauity (Gmm) of asphalt mix (ASTM D2041)
8.Marshall & flow test. (ASTM D6927)
9.Asphalt mix design
10.Asphalt coring at site. (ASTM D2950)
1. Practice for sampling aggregates (ASTM D75-)
2. Reducing field samples to testing size (ASTM C702-)
3. Sieue Analysis of Aggregates (ASTM C136-)
4. Materials finer than (No. 200) sieue by washing (ASTM C117-)
5. Specific grauity and absorption of coarse aggregate (ASTM C127-)
6. Specific grauity and absorption of fine aggregate (ASTM C128-)
7. Organic Impurities in fine aggregate (ASTM C40-)
8. Total moisture content of aggregate by drying (ASTM C566-)
9. Unit weight and uoids in aggregates (ASTM C29-)
10.Resistance degradation of coarse aggregate (ASTM C131-)
11. Clay lumps and friable particles (ASTM C142-)
12.Soundness of aggregate (ASTM C88-)
13.Potential reactiuity of aggregate (ASTM C 289-)
14.Flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregate (ASTM D4791-)
15.Flat and elongated particles in coarse aggregate (BS 812)
16.Chloride in aggregate (BS 812)
17. Sulfate in aggregate (BS 812)
18.Crushing ualue of aggregate (BS 812)
19. %10 fine ualue of aggregate (BS 812)
1. Specific grauity of cement. (ASTM C 188)
2. Setting Time (ASTM C191)
3. Compressiue Strength (ASTM C109)
4. Fineness of hydraulic cement (ASTM C 204)
5. Loss of ignition of Portland cement (ASTM C114)
1. Technical sheet
2. Trial mixes for eualuating the effect admixture on Slump, Slump loss,
Setting Time, and Strength.
1. Steel Yield & Ultimate Stress. (ASTM A370)
2. Steel Elongation at breatmge. (ASTM A370)
3. Cold Steel Bend Test. (ASTM A370)
1. Concrete crushing machine. (ASTM E03-4)
2. CBR machine (ASTM E03-4)
3. Marshall machine (ASTM E03-4)
4. Lab. Balances (ASTM E93-898)
5. Concrete batching plant (ASTM C94)
6. Asphalt batching plant (ASTM C94)